Us? Oh right, Okay. Here’s the story. 

The phrase ‘get on the wagon’ comes from the days of old. Really old. Early 1900s or there about. When horse-drawn water carts used to plod along dusty roads wetting them down. Now this is the age of prohibition we’re talking about, when, despite being outlawed, alcohol consumption was more rampant than ever. The men pledged to quench their thirst on the water wagon instead of succumbing to drink. And so was born the phrase to get on, or fall off, the wagon.

And that’s where we come in. A brand that believes in being on the wagon, whatever the reason. Proudly providing an alcohol-free alternative for those who don’t drink, who don’t fancy a drink, the designated drivers, the diligent dads or the don’t-want-the-hangover-ers. Whoever you are and however long you plan to be on the wagon, we welcome you.

Plus, non-alcoholic drinks don’t need to be as boring as your old uncle at Thanksgiving. They can have a little life about them. And our first offering, Mad Moose, does just that and then some.